Operating theatres in Mataró


PHS SAHICASA offers sample taking from operating theatres of all kinds to evaluate the indoor air quality and that of the surfaces.

The evaluation always takes into account current UNE regulations regarding operating theatres.

Sample taking is carried out to determine the following parameters:

  • Environmental and surface microbiology parameters

  • Physical and chemical parameters

  • Particles in suspension


Contact us

If you would like to ask us any questions in Mataró, please fill in the following form. Thank you.

Finalidades: Responder a sus solicitudes y remitirle información comercial de nuestros productos y servicios, incluso por correo electrónico. Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado. Destinatarios: No están previstas cesiones de datos. Derechos: Puede retirar su consentimiento en cualquier momento, así como acceder, rectificar, suprimir sus datos y demás derechos en sahicasa@sahicasa.cat. Información Adicional: Puede ampliar la información en el enlace de Avisos Legales.  

environmental-friendly company.

We guarantee our environmental commitment as an essential value for our customers, by incorporating the latest technologies and research based on reducing the waste that is created in pest management and control.

We minimise the impact on the natural environment and protect beneficial species and we only act on those which, when they become a nuisance, are harmful to health and quality of life.

We reduce the waste generated to the minimum and we manage it in the best way possible, with authorised companies specialised in transporting and eliminating it.