Controlling Rodents


PHS SAHICASA offers a preventative as well as a corrective service to control rodents based on the comprehensive fight against pests to prevent or eradicate the presence of rodents in facilities and to thus avoid significant losses being caused to the company, whether through the destruction of large amounts of material or through the gnawing and destruction of communication and electrical networks or others.

Not forgetting the equally important possibility of transmitting a whole host of diseases to people either directly, through the parasites that carry them, or contaminating food and water that we ingest (leptospirosis, salmonellosis, rabies, ringworm, etc.).

Our preventative or passive treatments are aimed at preventing the entrance of rodents into our environment, as well as making it difficult for them to feed and nest. To deal with a plague that is already established in the facilities (corrective services), a study of the facilities must be carried out in order to get to know the characteristics, uses, deficiencies and risks: in short we will carry out an exhaustive DIAGNOSIS. If the plague is well established in the area that is the object of the service, corrective measures will need to be taken. We start off by identifying and studying the pest, and continue with a proposal of measures with details of the actions, the possible combinations of methods to be used, the proposed schedule, the technical, safety and economic characteristics: this is the ACTION PLAN. We always give priority to the use of methods that are most respectful to the safety of people, in first place, and the environment, in second place.

This is why behavioural changes, mechanical measures, physical control methods and biological control systems will be our initial proposals. We will only resort to traditional chemical methods if necessary. On completing the work, we will compile all the information regarding our actions in the TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE SERVICE PROVIDED for the technical, contractual and safety guarantee of our customer and the persons who depend on him.

Contact us

If you would like to ask us any questions, please fill in the following form. Thank you.

Finalidades: Responder a sus solicitudes y remitirle información comercial de nuestros productos y servicios, incluso por correo electrónico. Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado. Destinatarios: No están previstas cesiones de datos. Derechos: Puede retirar su consentimiento en cualquier momento, así como acceder, rectificar, suprimir sus datos y demás derechos en Información Adicional: Puede ampliar la información en el enlace de Avisos Legales.  

environmental-friendly company.

We guarantee our environmental commitment as an essential value for our customers, by incorporating the latest technologies and research based on reducing the waste that is created in pest management and control.

We minimise the impact on the natural environment and protect beneficial species and we only act on those which, when they become a nuisance, are harmful to health and quality of life.

We reduce the waste generated to the minimum and we manage it in the best way possible, with authorised companies specialised in transporting and eliminating it.